What I Believe

Economic Issues

Sixty percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, and over half cannot afford a $1,000 emergency. The two richest American men own as much wealth as the bottom half of Americans—over 160 million people. The net worth of the average Black family is one-tenth that of the average white family. America’s wealth and income inequality has never been higher.

Such inequality is not just morally repugnant. It is also socially and economically unsustainable. Hardworking Delawareans deserve a fair shot and meaningful opportunities. We deserve to feel real hope for our futures—especially our young people who increasingly see a very bleak future for themselves.

We should:

Employment & Jobs

Delawareans are working longer hours, earning less, and seeing their benefits slashed while struggling to save for their future and their children’s education. Meanwhile, corporations are raking in record profits and CEOs, and other executives are pulling in record compensation—hundreds and even thousands of times what their lowest-paid workers make. Almost one-third of Americans have less than $5,000 saved for retirement while over one-fifth of Americans have nothing saved.

We should:


Public education is the bedrock of our society. Every student regardless of socioeconomic status, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, or any other factor deserves only the highest quality education. Our public education system—like any other public institution—is not without its flaws. But it is still our best hope to prepare children to become self-realized, confident, contributing members of society.

We should:


Everyday hardworking Delawareans with insurance through their employers see endless increases in premiums, deductibles, out-of-pocket expenses, and co-pays. Many Delawareans with employers not offering health insurance simply cannot afford to purchase insurance through the ACA exchange, or the coverage they can afford is only catastrophic coverage.

Like our criminal justice system, our healthcare system is broken. In America, of all modern nations, we pay by far the most money for healthcare for the worst health outcomes. America is the only modern nation now witnessing diminishing life expectancies. Healthcare is a human right—not a privilege. At the federal level, we need Medicare for All. At the state level, there is much we can do.

Climate Change & and the Environment

Delaware is especially at risk regarding climate change. We are the lowest-lying state in the nation, making us uniquely susceptible to rising sea levels. We have some of the most beautiful beaches on the East Coast, and they are increasingly in danger. We have a cherished diversity of native plants and wildlife we must protect. We have decreasing air and water quality—especially in communities of color and poor communities.

Nations around the world are proving that you can institute bold change while growing the economy and jobs. Delaware has started to lead by example, but there is more to do. The various costs of failing to act decisively and immediately are incalculable—socially, financially, and health-wise.

We should:

Affordable Housing

Increasingly, Delawareans struggle to afford rent and mortgages. Many Delawareans (especially first-time buyers) cannot afford to purchase a home. During the COVID pandemic, apartment rent increased more percentage-wise in Delaware than in any other state in the nation. And each year, an increasing percentage of Delawareans (especially women, families and children) become homeless.

We should:

Criminal Justice Reform

Like the American criminal justice system, Delaware’s system is broken and requires immediate and serious reform. With only 5% of the world’s population, America houses 25% of the world’s prisoners. America’s recidivism rate is a staggering 77%. Delaware’s mass incarceration and recidivism rates are among the highest in the nation—and hence, the world—creating an unnecessary social and financial burden upon Delawareans. Importantly, the many flaws in our criminal justice system disproportionately affect people of color and poor people.

We should:

Electoral & Campaign Finance Reform

Elections and voting are the cornerstone of our democracy. Yet our political system has become flooded with big money, unchecked power, and muddied transparency, causing Delawareans to lose faith in the entire process. But history has shown us that when people band together and demand better lives and better government, nothing is impossible.

We should:

The Opioid Crisis

The opioid crisis forms at the intersection of many other issues—for-profit healthcare run amuck, elected officials in the pockets of pharmaceutical companies, massive corporate greed, a culture of shaming individuals with addiction and mental health issues, health insurance companies’ refusal to cover sufficient treatment facility stays and pain management alternatives, inadequate numbers of treatment facilities, poverty, and lack of education about opioid addiction.

We should:

Women’s Rights & Issues

Throughout Delaware and American history, women (and men) have fought tenaciously and tirelessly for the rights women have today. It is devastating that the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade. (Thankfully, we have a woman’s right to choose protected in code.) We must ensure that all women’s rights are not impeded upon, eroded, or taken away. Second, we must strive towards the still-unrealized goal of true and full equality for all women, especially women of color and women of all sexual orientations.

We should:

Civil Rights & Related Issues

State government has a duty to protect all Delawareans—especially our most vulnerable individuals like minorities, seniors, children, veterans, the less affluent, individuals with disabilities, and undocumented immigrants. All of us have a role to play in making Delaware the best it can be.

We should: